To guarantee quality on all levels we are registered as a certified organic import/export, distribution and pre-packing company. All warehousing and pre-packing facilities are exclusively dedicated to certified organic products. Download our most recent certificates here:
- Control Union: Globalgap Certificate 27-12-2025
- Organic EU: SKAL Organic Certificate 31-12-2026
- Fairtrade: Fairtrade Certificate 24-10-2029
- Demeter: Demeter Eosta 2024-2025
- IFS (higher level, by SGS): IFS Broker certificate 22-11-2025
- IFS (higher level, by SGS): IFS Logistic certificate 22-11-2025
- RIK: RIK Eosta 1-12-2026
- QS-certificate PDU Deutschland: QS certificaat 16-12-2026
- AEO Certificate: AEO-certificaat (valid since 17-02-2009)
- BIOSUISSE ORGANIC: International Certification Bio Suisse AG 31-12-2025